Banco Poaley Agudat Israel (52) פאגי
Agencia Ramot (סניף רמות (172
Conta חשבון 042404
Bank First International Bank of Israel
Branch: Pagi Ramot (סניף פאגי רמות (172
Account number חשבון 042404
IBAN: IL940521720000000042404
Nos EUA:
Cheque/transferência em nome de "Congregation Bais Shalom – Keren 425"
É necessário escrever KEREN 425 - número de identificação do Derech HaTorah.
Wiring Instructions: FLAGSTAR BANK / 6321 New Utrecht Ave / Brooklyn NY 11207
Name of Account: Congregation Bais Shalom (POB 109 / Lawrence NY 11559)
SWIFT Code: FLGSU33 (For International transfers) / Account Number: 1505744604
Routing Number: 026013576 / Wire Transactions 021000322